Family Ancestry in Neshoba County
Research your family ancestry, or enjoy delving into a nonfiction or fiction book in your favorite genre at the Philadelphia-Neshoba County Public Library in Philadelphia, Mississippi. We offer a spacious, welcoming environment with quiet areas for reading.
Book Collection
Our library is home to a large collection of books, starting with reading material appropriate for toddler ages and older. Come to us to find everything from large-print fiction and biographies to periodicals and newspapers.
Jackson WWII History
To find files related to this special collection, please click here
We have digitized over half the yearbooks available in Neshoba County. If you have a valid PNCPL Library Card and would like a pdf copy of your yearbook, simply fill out and select one of the yearbooks listed in the form below. Your request may take up to 3 business days as we send the document directly to your email. At this time, we only have digitized versions of the yearbooks found in the dropdown list below.